![]() 09/28/2016 at 23:23 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Many words, some of them spelled properly after the jump.
What follows is my opinion. I suspect that a lot of you have different ones. That’s what makes this country great.
I am honestly so pissed at GOP supporters right now. Just because I don’t like Hillary, doesn’t mean I’m going to vote for Trump. I am not obligated to vote for him and I do not owe him anything. If the voters had selected just about anyone else I’d vote for them. But alas, they anointed an arrogant bankruptcy enthusiast as their leader. This is a time when both parties had a golden opportunity to look at their candidates and say we deserve better, screw the two party system.
Call me when we get back to sensible ideals.
![]() 09/28/2016 at 23:28 |
Garfield/Odie 2016
![]() 09/28/2016 at 23:31 |
Big tent politics mate.
Only difference is that only one party has its big tent occupants keep a Klan hood in their closets, and one does not. And that alone says enough. Unless you’re one of that lot or an accelerationist.
![]() 09/28/2016 at 23:35 |
Are you referring to Hillary’s mentor, Robert Bryd?
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Or Garfield/Nermal 2016
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This recent US election has really made me glad that Canada doesn’t have a two party system.
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Oh, that one
Try harder. Or do I need to inspect
closet too?
![]() 09/28/2016 at 23:39 |
The problem is the third party candidates are total fucking morons.
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“But my ideological purity!”
- Various North American Morons, 2016
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All politicians are morons.
![]() 09/28/2016 at 23:55 |
There’s a very good reason there are many Republicans and Democrats voting for their nominee despite the fact they’re not their first choice, and that is this: elect the Party first. We have a system of checks and balances, and the President is the head of just one branch. They do not reign supreme, although I don’t think anyone told Trump this, nor do I think anyone who calls Obama a tyrant realizes this... The Party is more important than the candidate because if your party holds the White House, you are more likely to gain other seats in other branches. You will be able to elect your party’s choice of officials. And currently, Republicans control the House so they would be able to destroy this country pass legislation that would otherwise get vetoed by a Democrat.
During the primary, it infuriated me to no end to listen to idiotic Democratic voters who were Bernie or bust. While I agree with much of what Bernie would implement, he had no chance of being elected. But then, I also didn’t think Trump would win the nomination, but I obviously underestimated the Republican base.
This election has shown me though how unbelievably stupid gullible people are, and how social media seems to be melting everyone’s brain. Instead of looking at actual facts, people focus on headlines. Besides those that actually paid attention in school, no one paid attention to the fact that Clinton broke no laws with her email, and the previous two Secretaries of State also used personal emails to send classified information. Current Republicans also use personal emails. But Clinton is terrible and she killed people. Nevermind she is truly one of the most qualified candidates in the history of this country, and she is respected around the world. No, she’s terrible and she will destroy this country. She certainly won’t help the working and middle class. Nope.
![]() 09/28/2016 at 23:57 |
Lasagnas for every one.
![]() 09/28/2016 at 23:58 |
No they aren’t. Many are actually very intelligent, conniving, and crafty. The ones who run for President and then bumble and huff when asked simple questions on national televisions are morons. Trump and Hillary are pieces of shit, but they definitely aren’t morons.
![]() 09/28/2016 at 23:59 |
Things like generalizing one side as being Klan sympathizers is a significant piece of what’s wrong with our political climate.
![]() 09/29/2016 at 00:01 |
Clinton’s email scandal should have made her ineligible to hold a security clearance. Source: that’s what I do for a job.
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Where is the outrage at the former Secretaries and at current governors?
I’m not denying what she did was wrong, but when current politicians are doing the same fucking thing people have no room to condemn her.
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I guess. I feel like only a moron would use a personal server to store SAP information. Or make racist comments on camera.
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They’re not high profile enough yet. And life isn’t fair.
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It amazes me to no end that the biggest topic that will impact this country and election cycle right now is getting NO AIR TIME.
We’re down one Supreme Court justice because one party has literally held justice hostage while stating that the election from 4 years ago doesn’t count. Some of the current justices are no spring chickens, meaning that the next 4 years could literally shape the next 20-30 years of this country.
We need to start holding obstructionist politicians responsible for their actions. Instead of accepting it as status quo. On both sides of the aisle (technically, there are actually more than two sides in both the house and senate, but you know what I mean).
But the news has already moved on from this. Because as a nation we’re incapable of paying attention for longer than 22 minutes at a time.
![]() 09/29/2016 at 00:11 |
Nermal?! Is that pussy even an American citizen? I thought that she/he had an address out of Abu Dhabi.
![]() 09/29/2016 at 00:11 |
And Mondays are cancelled.
![]() 09/29/2016 at 00:12 |
Given the publicly stated beliefs of Trump and his supporters? If you throw your lot in with them, you are at least tacitly supporting the means and ideals of the various racist, sexist and ableist groups that have thrown their weight behind his campaign.
Without precedent? What’s wrong with your political climate? Yeah. It is. On both counts. It’s not supposed to be accurate, but if you take pride in being called deplorable, that’s what it is. No amount of false equivalency can change that.
But sure, have it your way
![]() 09/29/2016 at 00:17 |
As a student of Constitutional Law and Political Science, I am disgusted that this issue has NEVER been covered. Other than reporting on Scalia’s death, the news has not focussed on Republicans derailing an ENTIRE BRANCH of our government. Republicans claim to love the Consitituion, yet they are working tirelessly to destroy it. The Court has already set back several issues by issuing split decisions and refusing to hear cases again.
But it’s not like this is the first time they have done things like this. From the day Obama was elected the Minority Leader said on air that their goal was to make Obama a one term President. Talk about sore losers. This Congress has literally sat on their ass for 8 years, and you can bet they won’t be getting up when Clinton is elected, and I can’t fucking believe it. This country went to shit even before Trump was nominated, and I don’t see it getting much better.
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Nobody cares! Nobody will keep promises! Nobody will stand up for the middle class! Nobody will balance the budget! Nobody will tell the truth! Nobody 2016!
Full disclosure: I will be voting.
![]() 09/29/2016 at 00:28 |
I’m in the process of getting one of those. Any chance you could bump me to the top of the list?
![]() 09/29/2016 at 01:16 |
And then there’s this
. For 3 years now
party has run the risk of shutting down the US government
again every year
because of their alleged moral integrity. To the point where “will they or won’t they?” is now a headline staple at the appropriate time of year.
Guess that’s why I get plenty of well-off suburbanites telling me that electing some demagogue with no plan for his own country outside delegating to cronies is a Great Plan because their gut and some meme page told them the other actual option was “crooked”. Money’s a better cushion than fat...
![]() 09/29/2016 at 01:52 |
![]() 09/29/2016 at 04:47 |
They’re not the nominee of a major party for president. That tends to get ya additional scrutiny, ya know? If Sec. Clinton had retired to knitting or wrenching or whatever she does for fun it’s less likely it would have been investigated and way less likely it would have received much coverage. Other casino owners aren’t getting their multi decade old bankruptcies splashed back in the news rags either.
Also, even first graders know “They did it too so it’s unfair if you punish me” is a poor excuse.
![]() 09/29/2016 at 05:25 |
Two words: Supreme Court.
How much nanny-state overreach and collectivist victim BS do you think Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan will support at the expense of individual rights over the next few decades?
We already have the “social justice” psychos screeching for speech codes on campus, so do you really want 1-2 more SC members who think the Bill of Rights is an obstacle to their utopia?
![]() 09/29/2016 at 06:47 |
She used a personal server to circumvent the FOIA and he says racist stuff in order to garner the whitetrash vote (a vote that usually doesn’t exist, but got him the nomination). It’s worked out pretty well for both of them so I wouldn’t say they were moronic moves in the least bit. Pretty clever on both their parts.
![]() 09/29/2016 at 07:16 |
......history will show you that most Klan members were Democrats......
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![]() 09/29/2016 at 07:19 |
Here’s the thing, though: as decisive as our (outmoded and impractical) two-major-party system is, if, for example, trump became PotUS, and democrats managed to gain majority in the House & Senate, we’d have the exact same attitudes in play.
![]() 09/29/2016 at 07:25 |
Since we seem to be going to full Roman with regards to established social constructs and moral ambiguity, why do we not just descend to full populist republic?
Wherein there is no figurehead (president/executive branch) and we are more involved in government because we actively watch over the Senate and House?
If any of you Oppos work in a corporate environment, you well know that execs can’t tell their butts from a hole in the ground and are too involved in keeping up with the Joneses and various gossip.
Make America great for the genuine first time, more over site by the citizenry. More involvement at local levels. Make environmental protection less of a burden of government and more of a personal responsibility. Utilize the Greek and Roman standards of citizenship. Only those with a vested interest in the longevity and success of the republic who serve others and not themselves become citizens. Non-citizens still enjoy the freedom of the nation and are encouraged at every turn of the road to earn citizenship. (Gained by civil and/or national service: government agency, military, federal humanitarian agencies, etc). Make being an American a symbol of pride, and make that pride worth keeping your life and mind clean of willful wickedness.
![]() 09/29/2016 at 07:31 |
Byrd quit the Klan in the 50's, so safe bet that photo of him in the getup is fake.
Either that or the Klan secretly had some crazy good camera technology back then
![]() 09/29/2016 at 07:34 |
What voting system do you use? Is it First Past The Post or something else? Asking because FPTP typically ends up creating a two party system and I’m curious how Canada avoids that (or is that day coming? Dun dun dun)
![]() 09/29/2016 at 07:48 |
but I obviously underestimated the Republican racist/bigoted base.
![]() 09/29/2016 at 07:54 |
This is not true. Back in 2008 when President Obama was first elected the Republicans had a closed door meeting basically guaranteeing they would not work with that administration and this was BEFORE his 2nd term in office or even before his first term.
Plus, her last name is Clinton, and the last time a Clinton was being grilled by Congress we had to define what “it” is.
![]() 09/29/2016 at 07:55 |
![]() 09/29/2016 at 08:04 |
We use the FPTP system, but there is a very large movement to switch to a proportional representation system. Currently it’s a three party system here and we’ve actually only had two parties ever be in power, but we have four parties with representation in Parliament. The FPTP system kinda screwed the Greens over last election, because most Green voters were voting for the Liberals or the NDP to get Harper out. But since we have three major parties (The other party with parliamentary representation, Bloc Quebecois, is a regional party and you can only vote for them if you live in Quebec) you’ve got three choices instead of being stuck with two.
![]() 09/29/2016 at 08:22 |
I figured that the Klan pic was fake, but it’s still a quality meme.
![]() 09/29/2016 at 08:27 |
Good meme in response to your mention about college campuses.
![]() 09/29/2016 at 08:45 |
My issue with the meme is the same issue I have with most memes (and indeed social media politics as a whole), from both sides of the system. They promote bad information with the intent of swaying, scaring, or enraging the uninformed masses. Donald Trump DID put his hand over his heart for the national anthem, and Robert Byrd has been out of the Klan - and in fact vocally anti-Klan - longer than most voters have been alive
![]() 09/29/2016 at 08:50 |
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Ever since the OPM hack it’s been a nightmare for everyone.
![]() 09/29/2016 at 08:53 |
Show me the adoption papers! I don’t think she has US adoption papers, it would be yuge if she could produce them for me, but she can’t, loser.
![]() 09/29/2016 at 08:53 |
Unless I’m misreading it sounds like it’s only a three party system for those in Quebec, the rest of the country is still two party
![]() 09/29/2016 at 09:34 |
There’s a rant for another day. Stacking the SCOTUS to legislate from the bench.
![]() 09/29/2016 at 09:36 |
To which she got caught, and earned herself an investigation by the FBI and a reopened investigation by the State Department. Did she really think no one would notice? And it’s easy to win a primary by spouting extremist views, the hard part is trying to appear moderate in the general election.
![]() 09/29/2016 at 09:38 |
I think the best way to run the country is to not allow people to run for office. Instead a pool of qualified people is chosen by an algorithm and then we get to vote. Serving is compulsory.
![]() 09/29/2016 at 09:48 |
You are reading wrong. QC would have a four party system, as the Liberals, Conservatives, NDP, and the Bloc all have seats. Some provinces like Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland have seats from only one party, the Liberals. BC also has four parties with seats, the Conservatives, NDP, Liberals, and the Greens. Most provinces though have 3 parties with seats, the NDP, Liberals, and Conservatives. The NDP haven’t ever made a federal government, but they have had provincial governments, and have also had a major influence on federal politics as well, they’re the reason we have free healthcare and such. While we’ve only had two parties ever in power, that does not mean we’ve got a two party system. Basically we’re like Great Britain. Nobody but the Conservatives or Labour have ever had a prime minister, but Britain is not a two-party system. America is, because no parties but the Democrats or the Republicans have any representation anywhere, be it the Senate or the House of Representatives, or even the state level, although I might be wrong on that part.
![]() 09/29/2016 at 09:58 |
Which apparently turned up nothing illegal, nor anything controversial. So, she actually did get away with whatever it was she was doing.
![]() 09/29/2016 at 10:00 |
I was trying to be gentle.
![]() 09/29/2016 at 10:00 |
Apart from a scathing final few words from the FBI which any good politician would have used to kill her credibility as the experienced one.
![]() 09/29/2016 at 10:02 |
Maybe I’m naive, but I don’t think Democrats would be as egregious. Democrats do their own stupid shit, but they went along with all of Bush’s shit. I think they’d be very vocal in their opposition, but I think they would get a little more done.
![]() 09/29/2016 at 10:04 |
I’m not saying it’s unfair not punish her, but the coverage is just ridiculous. People honestly think she’s killed people and broken a multitude of laws; That’s the problem I have. I have no problem people being pissed at her for making her own rules, but she broke no laws, caused no deaths.
![]() 09/29/2016 at 10:20 |
That’s mostly but not 100% true. There’s been a number of independent candidates elected in the past dozen or so years. Senator King of Maine, senators Jeffords and Sanders of Vermont, and senator Lieberman of Connecticut were elected as independents. And for governors there’s Walker of Alaska, Chafee of Rhode Island, and Ventura of Minnesota (Reform Party).
![]() 09/29/2016 at 10:33 |
But serving only long enough so they can do nothing.....animal farm anyone
![]() 09/29/2016 at 10:39 |
Man that was like a year and things still haven’t settled down?
I heard there was some other huge delay late this summer, as well.
![]() 09/29/2016 at 10:39 |
BTW, can we have your Prime Minister?
![]() 09/29/2016 at 10:40 |
Sure. Why not.
![]() 09/29/2016 at 10:53 |
Woo hoo! You Canuckistanians are alright
![]() 09/29/2016 at 11:11 |
The backlog I’d immense. And depending on the level it requires a lot of literal leg work. Investigators contacting everyone you know and then their friends.
![]() 09/29/2016 at 11:29 |
I honestly think it boils down to one factor only: the Supreme Court.
Most Republicans are far more afraid of a Liberal SCOTUS than they are of Trump’s shenanigans. They want their guns and they want the right to discriminate against women/gays/trans/scientists/etc.
![]() 09/29/2016 at 11:56 |
I think a contributing problem is out primary system. By having the primaries and election dragged out so far by the two parties, candidates have to be more vocal and outgoing spewing more radical rhetoric. By the time the general election starts most voters have already decided and are socially commited. By being socially commited (announcing who your voting for) the only path is for people to double down on their candidate so as not to appear they made the wrong choice.
The thing neither party wants the primary to be open. They want a tightly controlled plublicity tour.
![]() 09/29/2016 at 12:44 |
I’m wondering if the plan to hold on to that card till right before the election, but without a constant reminder most Americans have forgotten so I do t think it will be that effective.